


We, the undersigned members of the Irish Diaspora, and friends of Ireland, living in Canada, join with the Sponsors above in calling on the British and Irish governments to hold Irish Unity referenda, pursuant to the Good Friday Agreement, within five years and we offer our support and goodwill in this historic endeavour.

Recent Prominent Signatories Include:
•Vancouver City Councillor Pete Fry
•Kennedy Stewart, Mayor of Vancouver
•Julee Sanderson, First National Vice-President, CUPW-STTP
•North Vancouver NDP Riding Association

1,394 Signatories as of July 23, 2023


The 1998 Good Friday Agreement (GFA) was endorsed by the vast majority of the people of Ireland in referenda North and South. The GFA is a binding international agreement between Britain and Ireland. Canada played an important role in facilitating this landmark peace deal that ended decades of conflict and transformed Ireland.

The GFA is built on the fundamental value of peaceful and democratic change. It provides for unity referenda so that the people of Ireland, North and South, can determine their future:To continue with partition and the Union with Britain or to build a new and united Ireland.

Much has changed since 1998 - the Unionist electoral majority in the North, has disappeared in the last number of elections. The British Government imposed Brexit against the will of the majority of people in the North. The route back to the EU for the North is clear. A united Ireland will be a full member of the EU.

The conversation is now which union is the future, the old with Britain or a new one with the rest of Ireland and the EU. We believe that Irish Unity is the way forward. We believe that it is time to realize the promise of the GFA, to discuss and plan for unity, to have an inclusive and respectful dialogue on the future, and to set the date for Irish Unity referenda. Hence, on this Canada Day, July 1, 2020, we call upon the Irish and British governments to hold Irish unity referenda pursuant to the GFA within five years and we offer our supportand good-will.

IT IS TIME to let the people of Ireland, NORTH and SOUTH, have their say.


Charlie Angus M.P., New Democratic Party, Timmins, On.
Alexandre Boulerice M.P., Dep. Leader, New Democratic Party, Montreal, Quebec
Geraldine Browne, 2019 Toronto Irish Person of the Year, Toronto, On.
Catholine Butler, Celtic Connection Newspaper, Vancouver, British Columbia Conseil Central Du Montreal Metropolitain - Confederation des Syndicats Nationaux
Dominique Daigneault, presidente - Conseil central du Montreal metropolitain - CSN
Chris Deehy, Lawyer & Pres. Coalition for Peace In Ireland, Montreal, Quebec
Claire Delisle, James Connolly Irish Canadian Labour Coalition, Ottawa, On. Carolyn Egan, President of Toronto Area Steelworkers Union
Eric Grenier, President of Charitable Irish Society of Halifax, Nova Scotia Sean Harte, Pres., Canadian Gaelic Athletic Association, Oakville, On. (personal capacity)
Paul Hickey, LIUNA (Labourers) Ont. Prov. District Council, Oakville, On.
Mike Hurley, Mayor of Burnaby, British Columbia Gabriel McCaffrey, Past Pres. and current board member of Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce - Ottawa (personal capacity)
Shawn McLaughlin, LIUNA (Labourers) Secretary/Treasurer Local 527/527a Ottawa-Gatineau National Capital Region
Alex O'Donnell, Business Executive, Calgary, Alberta Dr. Jacinta O'Hanlon, Psychiatrist, Toronto, On.
Eleanor Reynolds, Founder - Celtic Canada Online Magazine
Shaun Ruddy, Chairperson, St. Patrick's Parade Society, Toronto, On. (personal capacity)
Sid Ryan, Past Pres. Ont. Fed. of Labour & former Grand Marshall Toronto St. Patrick's Day Parade, Toronto, On.
Pat Sheridan, Executive Member, LIUNA (Labourers) Local 183, Toronto, On. & former Grand Marshall of Toronto St. Patrick's Day Parade., Ajax, On.
Brad West, Mayor of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Hassan Yussuff, President of Canadian Labour Congress, Ottawa, On.